Danny Richie "fixes" the Linkwitz Arion loudspeaker

For some time now I have been directing those interested in loudspeaker design to Danny Richie’s GR Research Tech Talk Tuesday videos on YouTube. Here is his latest: an examination of the Linkwitz Arion loudspeaker. You may be asking yourself: if Siegfried Linkwitz is the genius he is touted to be, how is it Danny found the Orion to be lacking, and was able to find solutions for it’s failings? I’ll leave that to you to answer. In the meantime, after watching and listening to this video, you may want to watch all the Tech Talk Tuesday videos. They may just make you a more informed loudspeaker consumer.



The lx521 design address all of these concerns.  For the record, I own both the Orion and lx521. There in only a fleeting comparison between the two in that one is clearly a stepping stone to the next.  As are all of Siegfried's designs.  The lx521 is a true magnum opus.  Soundstage can only be compared to the MBL Radialstrahler design but at a non-mortgage investment.  Just my opinion.



@riverdinaudio just heard these a short while ago as part of an SFAS event in NorCal. An amazing speaker indeed. There are a couple of Linkwitz speaker owners near me and I have enjoyed listening to them. With all due respect to Danny Richie I think he came up well short on his analysis of Linkwitz speakers. The man was an incredible designer and it's good to know his legacy will continue to live on through the efforts of Frank Brenner.


"Count me as another that finds fully active speakers to be the way to go. I have fully active Legacy Calibre with crossover duties handled by the Wavelet processor. 6 channels of amplification and lots of ability to adjust and tweak the sound."

As noted I'm a big fan of the Linkwitz Orion - enjoying them as I write this.  I've got all kinds of speakers from Harbeth 40.2's to Magnestand 1.6's (modified Maggies), to many others.  And... I must say the Orion's are "at the top of the heap" in their performance.  

But, I've developed an interest in the Legacy speakers for a lake house I've built about 75 miles from Legacy's operations in Springfield.  I've ordered the Aeris, but I'm reconsidering, because of it's massive size and weight, which I will not be able to manage.  As a close alternative, I've been considering the Calibre - which seems to me to sound very, very close. 

@csmgolf - do you still have your Calibre's and what do you think about this direction?  

You mean Ritchie rips apart another classic speaker without ever hearing it, replaces a bunch of parts with different parts and gets it to measure….. flat?

Another day another dollar another speaker neutered.

God help us all in this hobby.