Dated but still A rated DACs

Looking to purchase a great sounding used DAC , unless I can obtain equal quality on a new one. Your thoughts?
A+ rated by Stereophile : Benchmark DAC 2 

You could afford the newer DAC3 brand new on your need to buy dated components.
In my opinion all these are the best for doing Redbook pcm and the last, and in my view the best of the R2R Mutibit dacs, before they were stopped because of high cost of manufacture EG: laser trimming resistors ect. Now they’er making a big comeback as discrete R2R Multibit.

Mark Levinson No39 cdp hdcd but can be used as dac.
Naim CD555/P555 hdcd most stunning Redbook pcm player I’ve heard maybe also be used as a dac.
Linn CD12 hdcd player very close to the Naim.
Cary 303/200 hdcd for the budget minded.

Cheers George

The AMR DP-777 is a keeper, best DAC according to me in the 2.5K used range. I went through a lot of DACs in this price range before settling on AMR. It can compete with a vinyl rig of the same price as its MRP (I tested this out), couldn't make out the difference on the same track between digital (redbook on AMR) and my analog rig. I sold my analog and kept the DAC.
Just purchased a Theta Pro Prime II for $260. Checked this off my bucket list. Radically good sound for a 20+ year old DAC. This was designed (I believe) by Mike Moffat who currently resides at Schiit.
Mr. Moffat has damn good ears IMHO!