Denafrips Pontus 2 Price increases

Has anyone else noticed the the price of Denafrips Dac's have had two significant price increase in the last 12 month

Yes they did make "upgrade changes" but a 30% increases seems to be excessive

The Pontus 2 went from $1750 to $2,449

I am now having to consider an alternative   your thoughts


Showing 4 responses by marco1

@audioman58 I have had the 12th-1 anniversary edition and prior edition of the same model Denafrips DAC in my system and have listened to both extensively.  Nothing else in the system has changed.  I find the SQ of the 12th-1 anniversary edition to be better than the prior edition.  I have not popped the tops of either unit so cannot attest to your claim that the caps have changed and are inferior in the most recent edition(s).  It does seem quite strange to me though that inferior parts would result in better sound.  Did you take photos of the caps in the models you directly compared? How do you substantiate your findings?  Can you either post photos or document your claims in another way?

@audioman58 I’ve done my research. But it seems you have not and instead choosen to recite a bunch of hearsay.

So now that you've accused manufacturer's of ripping off their customers you've chosen to attack and insult me. Its no wonder you're no longer in the audio business. I have more than 50 years in this hobby but don't need to puff my chest out in an attempt to impress people as you seem to do.  You still have done nothing to substantiate your claims.  Until you do you're nothing but a hack. Have a blessed day. Over and out.