Denafrips Pontus II vs Venus II

Seeking experiences from people who have compared both in their systems. Is the Venus II worth the extra outlay in a system costing up to $20k.


The differences between all Denafrips models are described in the link below but I thought of seeking more thoughts from people who have made the comparison specifically the Pontus II and Venus II.



Hi again Steve @stevebohnii

I'm using Kimber Kable HD29 0.5m. It's just barely long enough to go between levels on my audio rack. I haven't tried any others.  If you have any suggestions, let me know.


Hi again, buddy! I’ve researched the tubulus comcentus i2s is an amazing cable. I’m thinking about the iris but after reading your post, maybe I should step up to the hermes. Last night was the first night I feel in love with the pontus ii. Lol. 


That cable's specs look excellent, and it's in a significantly higher price bracket compared to my Kimber I2S.  I've been on a tear lately with system upgrades, including an Acoustic Zen Absolute 110ohm AES/EBU into the Hermes, but I'll consider it.  I've got it on my list now, and thanks!

The Hermes reclocker advances my sound enough that I would never think of backtracking to a Pontus II alone. That combined with setting the Pontus II on OS with the slow filter gives me the detail I want.  NOS on Pontus II just sounds hazy to me.



Yeah, I tried the NOS and felt the same way. Just lost the detail the OS provided. I reviewed the Bricasti M5 and it sounds like a very nice streamer. Can I ask if you bought it new or did you find it used?  Also, what power cord are you using for the pontus ii?  The Acoustic Zen Absolute 110ohm AES/EBU specs look amazing and so does the price tag…lol I bet your system sounds great. I’m thinking I will go with a ddc next and then upgrade my streamer. Currently, I’m using the ifi zen stream. It’s okay, but looking to upgrade. Just need my wife to approve.