Dennis Had FIRE 300 B tube SET

Hi- I have Fire Bottle 300B on the way. Any info from an owner of one of these is greatly appreciated, and… has anyone placed a tube preamp ahead of it? I have a Rogue RP-1…


@charles1dad Totally understand, and would love to have that setup myself.  I’ve only seen the triode 300b version and more recent PSE 300B from Dennis. If you don’t mind the ask, which direction did you end up going for 300b monos?

Hi @decooney 

To clarify, I do not own nor have I heard a Dennis Had amplifier. My audio system is listed on this site. I have owned the Coincident Frankenstein SET 300b mono blocks since purchased (Also the Coincident Statement line stage) new in 2009.


I've been a Dennis Had fan since I bought my Firebottle SEP in 2017. An astonishingly great sounding and extremely well built thing that can utilize many different tube types with aplomb. 

   FWIT I run a Rogue RP-1 into an older Firebottle SEP feeding Zu Omens. Schiit Yiggy , Thorens TT and MF transport up front. I have about 15 pairs of power tubes and 6-7 rectifier tubes for the Inspire. The Rogue pairs well with the SEP. I have about 10 sets of various NOS 12AU7’s for the Rogue. I prefer Telefunkens as they really help the Rogue open up. I also run an upgraded power cord and isolation footers. The phono section in the Rogue is lacking and the headphone section sucks. I rotate a 50 wpc SS amp when I play vinyl. I have a Grado Prestige cartridge and it’s not a good match with the Rogue. I hope that can lend some insight to your 300b question. I’ve emailed a few times with Dennis and he’s given me solid advice. He’s about musical enjoyment at a modest price. Regards , Mike B.

I have a KT88 Fire Bottle, awesome little amp.  No preamp into Klipsch Forte’s @99 dB sensitive.  Superb soundstage and imagery.  Dead silent when no signal, you’re going to love the 300b with good speaker match.