Design flaw in Esoteric DV-60?

I live in the Pacific Northwest. We have lots of storms here in Puget Sound. Earlier this year we had a momentary power interruption. There must have been a spike in the power supply, which for some reason, caused the DV-60 to turn itself on from standby. After that, it no longer would do multi-channel playback.

So, I sent it in, and the most expensive board it has needed replacement. It cost $1000 to get it back. Back it came, only to have the same thing happen a few months later. To me, this shouldn't happen. I did think am I crazy to spend so much money? Probably, but I really like the thing, I even bought a spare transport mechanism so when that goes bad (it doesn't have the bullet-proof transport as in more expensive Esoteric players), I have a replacement ready to go.

My power is a dedicated line, goes through a PS Audio Soloist, and then a PS Audio Power Plant Premier, which the DV-60 is plugged into. I am in touch with PS Audio and Esoteric, They claim it's not their fault, so who do I turn to now? Did someone drop the ball when designing the power supply? Does PS Audio have any culpability in this?

I'm hoping one of the genius's (you know who you are Ralph and Al), or someone with the background in the EE field, might have some ideas on the probable cause, and maybe a solution to it. Helluva mess. I can't afford to waste any more money, so, what's next?

Thanks for you help,

Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Whart, that is correct, nothing else is affected, that is why I question the design of the DV 60's power supply. Something is not quite right. You would think other units in the same circuit would be effected, but not so.

I would sure like to find the answer as to the cause of just this unit being affected. Also on the same line is a Primare SP 31 pre-pro, an old Musical Fidelity A3 24 DAC, and a Genesis Digital Time Lens ( these two units get very little use any more).

Thanks again,
One thought if neither PS nor Esoteric have a solution is to ask whether a beefy external power supply can be substituted. i know this is done with computers and other gear that uses wall warts- but perhaps the board in question involves more than simply supplying DC power. I don’t know if the schematic for your unit is available on line (they company may not like it being posted if it isn’t) -- however, if it is available on the Net you might get some thoughts here on whether such a mod is possible. (Or consult with somebody near you that has good electronics chops).
Another is to see if Esoteric would be willing to extend you some sort of accommodation to buy a new or refurbished unit of another model with a more substantial power supply, given the travails you have been through.