Whart, that is correct, nothing else is affected, that is why I question the design of the DV 60's power supply. Something is not quite right. You would think other units in the same circuit would be effected, but not so.
I would sure like to find the answer as to the cause of just this unit being affected. Also on the same line is a Primare SP 31 pre-pro, an old Musical Fidelity A3 24 DAC, and a Genesis Digital Time Lens ( these two units get very little use any more).
Thanks again,
I would sure like to find the answer as to the cause of just this unit being affected. Also on the same line is a Primare SP 31 pre-pro, an old Musical Fidelity A3 24 DAC, and a Genesis Digital Time Lens ( these two units get very little use any more).
Thanks again,