In the beginning i trusted his good faith...
Then i set the highest bar for the debate :
In what context any set of measures make sense ?
In a hearing theory context ...
I cited Oppenheim and Magnasco to set the right hearing context theory with their important experiment after 60 years of acoustician thinking around this who goes in the same direction as these two physicists ..
Because the ears/brain are non linear and work in a time dependant DIRECTION,not on a mere frequencies basis in a time independant linear way as our tools works...
We cannot equate linear time independant measure which are good to create a well working circuits as being equally the perfect norm for "musicality" evaluation,
I explained in detail, even using the many articles of a competent physicists and acoustician and designer , Hans Van Maanen , who explain clearly all that matter,
He disparaged the Magnasco and Oppenheim experiments as non significative save to be a mere usual treshold hearing experiment throwing the baby of the essential non linear working of the brain out of Gabor bounds with the bath waters of hearing trivial thesholds relative measures,
he treated Van Maanen in an ad hominem attack as a vulgar seller , knowing perfectly that anybody who is able to understand science will know that his papers are serious thinking...
Especially his paper titled : "Often disregarded Conditions for the correct
Application of Fourier Theory"..
After that the nail in the coffin , i pointed to the fact that the ears/brain working non linearly in his own time dependant domain , the level of resolution of the perceived signals cannot be enhanced LINEARLY by perfect linear INCREASE in the signals, but INSTEAD can be enhanced in some case with the right amount and right type of noise, then the signal to noise ratio behaviour cannot be measured better than by hearings experiments as with Magnasco and Oppenheim .
To no avail...he never adressed any of the main point i gave...
Anybody reading his answers will read him as a marketer who drawn the fish of hearing theory in the water of marketing bad faith...
There is one thing i did not understand at all...
i know there is plenty of competent people on ASR, and scientifically inclined professionnaly or by taste, if one of them read my discussion with Amir, and his bad faith answers smearing any valid point in the noise of blind test and his limited set of measures with ad nauseam examples from his reviews instead of arguing AGAINST my point... And the complete distortion of the main point with ad hominem attack against three competent physicists, my question is : why Amir is not ashamed and in fear that some competent member of ASR read his techno babble as it is : MARKETING of TOYS...Anyone can see that he never adressed the hearing theory context where any set of measures can be evaluated ?
Explain that to me... I discuss always in good faith and i will be ashamed to miss an argument EXCEPT if i dont understand the subject matter by my own fault...
is Amir completely ignorant ? or is Amir without shame ?
i dont know which one of this alternative is the good one...
I never discussed ONLY to win an argument, i discussed to learn first .. I spoke a very bad English because i never spoke english in my life... And i read only the limited clumsy abstract limited vocabulary of scientists and philosophers not great novelists... i read the great John Cowper Powys for example in translation ( too slow to read for me in english because of my lack of concrete vocabulary ), but in french i learned how to read multidisciplinary analysis methods and taught it... My knowledge is limited but i can read anything and compared it to anything...i can even think about for example the relation between non commutative geometry and the musical scale perception and the laws of physical and qualitative invariants behind it and put this in relation with the hearing theory and the time dependant domain in speech and in music.. I did not adressed these questions with Amir because he was unable to adress the basic in good faith, i even can explain why meanings arise in symmetry breaking in linguistic levels as in music ... in short i know nothing but i know how to read people who know something as Alain Connes in mathematics the father of non commutative modern geometry or Gustave Guillaume in linguistic, the greatest linguist over Chomsky himself or Akpan J. Essien in acoustic ( he is unknown by the way ) etc ...
Amir know how to sell something and he know how to use his toys tools... Thats all for me...And he know how to "boss" people around him...