Did anyone return a PSAudio Powerplant? Why?

Anyone return a Powerplant after a home evaluation?

If so why?


I ordered a Power Plant 3 yesterday. So will have it for the next severe heat wave. Will post my experience. Plan to use it for my Streamer, DAC and Network Switch. The Streamer and DAC appear to be the most sensitive to power issues. 

since it cooled off my system is back to nothing but I know one temperatures get above 90 for days the power will suck and my system will not sound as good. 

Great question. Sure not getting many folks jumping in who have returned them.

I didn't return my P12, but after having to send it in for warranty repair for the second time, I decided to try an AQ Niagara 5000 conditioner.  Immediately loved the AQ.  My highs had returned and everything was much, much more dynamic.  It was like going from a modern Led Zep I remaster to an early 70s Piro pressing.  Or a LZ II modern remaster vs an OG RL pressing.  I could not sell the P12 fast enough.  IME, power plants (had a Stellar PP3 briefly before the P12) definitely truncate the upper treble frequency range and compress everything.  I just didn't know it until I heard what a high quality power conditioner could do.  I know Paul is proud (as are many other members of the PSA forums) that his stuff sounds 'more analog' but IME, it's not the good type of analog (ie. rolled off highs like many MC cartridges are guilty of).

I found a good deal on the smallest Power Plant model and used it in my headphone rig.  With so much electrically noisy gear in my home office, computers, monitors, routers, switches, printer, etc - a P3 sounded like good insurance.  

I have a power plant 20 I am running all my gear plugged into it however most people here are saying the Amps should be plugged directly into the wall. Are people suggesting they should go into an AQ 3000 if so why? Thanks for your time