Digital coax cable, real world experiences?

Yes I know ANOTHER cable
Guess that is why it has its own complete section
My question regards a cable I have not really paid much attention to previously, the digital coax connection from my media server to my preamp.
I was using a very old generic connection that is at least 15 years old but acquired a pretty cheap tributaries digital coax cable and thought oh well lets change it.
I was shocked and stunned at just how much more detail was present and the depth and solidity of bass was near overwhelming, granting I was listening to some pretty bass intense material at the time but still!
Now do not get me wrong I was once one of the biggest cable naysayers you would find and still think the majority of me now hearing changes is the quality of the rest of my system as previous "lower fi" systems just did not truly reveal any note(pun intended) worthy changes.
So my question is if I heard a significant difference with a fairly inexpensive cable what may occur with really going up the food chain on a digital coax cable? Or was it more that my previous no name very old cable was just that ..very old and poor.
Thoughts and real world experiences on digital coax cables?

Absolutely digital cables can make a huge difference I've had a number of different ones I've used, Kimber AGDL, Green Hornet, Nirvana, Cerious Technology, and currently using a cable from Jorma Design that sounds fantastic. The good news is there are always a lot of good used digital cables on Agon as people upgrade and/or switch to USB etc. To me what the best digital cables have given me, certainly my current cable, is better tonality and "flow" to the music, a great sense of beauty and subtlety to the music. Sorry that sounds a tad pretentious just not sure how else to describe it!
I've recently done auditioning of a few digital coax as well as USB cables.  I heard differences in detail, soundstage (width & depth), music image precision, and bass.  Ended up with a Black Cat Silverstar 75! coax from USB/SPDIF converter to DAC and a Pangea 24 gauge silver USB upstream of that (from Aries Mini to the USB/SPDIF converter).  I think the Pangea is a crazy good bargain at $30 for 1 meter and given signal conductors are solid silver (not stranded or plated copper).  Digital cables seem to me prime examples of price not predicting sonic benefit.  (former cable skeptic, myself)
It's a mistake to assume that good coax cable will 'improve' the sound .good digital cable like any cable you use will allow your system to fulfill it full potential if you have good system and you are using cheap stock cables they will degrade the sound severely however good cable will allow your system to perform at its best .the dangerous of buying very good cable is that it will reveal any weakness of your system if one more components aren't good enough also it will reveal bad recordings and music sources .
Sorry I cannot disagree with itzhak more good cables will allow your system to perform at its best, that's how they "improve" your sound. And a cable is not going to reveal a system weakness,  a mismatch of components may do that but not a cable.
Interesting views so far. although I must respectfully disagree with Shadorne view
As I said my experience was with inferior equipment I heard little or zero improvement with cable change not as seems to be suggested that I would hear a big difference and then assume I have to upgrade my equipment.
I firmly believe it would be a complete waste of dollars to spend say $500 on a digital interconnect if the cd player/ transport/ dac whatever only cost $500 or $1000.
Just my thoughts and performance I have noted in my systems as they have evolved over the years