digital glare - problems/solutions

I had to take my cd transport out of my system for repairs a couple of weeks ago. i plugged in an old Proceed Transport and the subsequent glare drove me to distraction. To make a long story short i discovered that i had moved the power cord from the dedicated digital outlet in my power conditioner to a regular outlet. Reconnected it to the digital outlet, glare gone. Yeh, i know, i'm probably the last person on earth to have figured this out. Now i remember why i bought the power conditioner for the source components.
I don't have any fancy outlets or filters, but I have a 1987 CD player, and I noticed that it interfered with my TV picture when it was on !!!!! I put a radio shack ferrite on the power cable, and the interference is greatly reduced. And guess what, it also sounds a lot better even though it's only used as a transport.

I think the power filtering for digital stuff is important not in providing the digital stuff with good power, but in preventing all the junk that the digital modulates back onto the power lines from getting into your analogue electronics.
I just purchased Purist HDI interconnects, which are made to go between CDP and preamp and advertised to take the edge off. When the mailman drops them off, I'll try to come to some conclusion about the claim.
I already have a PS Audio Ultimae Outlet. I just put 3 sets of Stillpoints under CD Player, Plinius amp, and SV Sub. Shockingly better. I ordered 3 more sets. Review available. Email me.
Get any Audio Note DAC or CD player and you will have less GLARE to begin with. No filters or upsampling.
An audio tekne cd transformer will take out the glare without altering the music. Most surprising upgrade