One can have digital sources sound as good and natural as analog. Getting there just requires careful choices… as in choosing analog equipment.
A preamp cannot correct for a feed that is not natural, just like DAC cannot make up for a streamer that does not sound natural. My great analog end sounds the same as my digital leg… natural, dynamic, detailed and very musical. You can see my system under my UserID.
My digital leg is an Aurender W20SE streamer —> Audio Research CD9SE DAC —> Audio Research Reference 6SE phonostage. One can use the Berkeley Reference Alpha 3 DAC as well. I had one of those in my system as well. Virtually indistinguishable from the ARC… only a tiny bit more detailed and less musical.
Inferring from what you have said about your tastes, it sounds like my components likely to be good recommendations for you.
To, be more helpful. What is the rest of your system as the sound you get out is going to be the result of every component… and the venue.