Do any of these interest you at all? (If you had the money)(Which I don't)


I definitely have an interest in almost all of those speakers insofar as I’d love to hear them out of curiosity.

It reminds me of looking through speakers on Pinterest and realizing there is this vast realm of wild looking speaker designs that I (and probably most of us) have never heard of or encountered. When I see them I’m always wondering "what does that sound like?"

That’s one reason I enjoy audio shows.

But in terms of "if I had the money" nothing sticks out that I’d leap to purchase. I guess my dreams of speakers has been reality-limited by my own funds and house for so long I don’t go pining for monster speaker systems. Neato for what they can do, but aesthetically and in terms of what I actually need a system to do, they are overkill.
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What, no Klipsch RF-7s?

I really like the Focal Grande Utopia BE, but definitely out of my price range, unless I hit the lotto.
Kinda makes any argument against cables and fuses rather silly, wouldn't ya say?
Most of his list would appeal to the same people who buy Yellow
sports cars. To be seen.

It is great for everyone that R&D money goes into developing these
products as it inevitably Trickles down the food chain to the masses.
In my opinion this is why all of today's speakers sound WAY BETTER than those of the 60's.