Do I need a power cable - if so what brand?

I am a newbie to high end audio and need some help in optimizing my setup. I have Yamaha V1800 bi-amped to B&W 683 and bi-wired to B&W center. Yamaha amp and other audio componets are connected via Monster HTS 3600 power center. I am using Xindak FS-1 for fronts and Monster Z2 ref for center. 95% of my usage is for music.

Based on the above setup, should I replace:
1. Wall to Monster 3600 power cable?.
2. Monster 3600 to Yamaha receiver?.

Which of the above will give better sound performance (if at all) and if it does, what power cable should I consider?.
Doug, yeah, I guess I'm back.

The world wide financial crisis has motivated me to do my part in sparking a comeback by inducing useless, unrelenting spending into the economy. Sure that kind of thinking is part of what got us into this mess in the first place, but what better way to counteract it?

I like to think of it as Spy versus Spy economics!

Shadorne, that is one cool video. It must have been great being part Louis Prima's band. They must have gotten a kick out of seeing their studio antics reaized in animation!

Now, back to trolling.

Like wise I said earlier, I did some detailed listening between direct wall power vs through power conditioner. Definitely I did clearly hear tighter, clear bass with power conditioner. On highs, it is more clear and detailed and could easily say that sound waves lingered around my ears more than one without power conditioner.

I am no means an expert in audio/electrical engineering but based on my testing that is what I found out. I am getting an Oyaide SWO-GX outlet from another audiogoner.

Next, I will get a good power code before trying for a dedicatied line (wife factor :) ). Atleast, my outlet is not shared with any other gadgets such as fridge/heater etc but for lighting the room.

I also used Isotek CDs few times and that helped a lot is soundstage and localization of soundfield. As of now when I play music, my speakers disappear - I could separate the instruments and localized them (based on the recording). Hoping power outlet and a cable improves it further.
Good! But in your most recent assessment of the power conditioner, did you compare the sound with everything connected through the conditioner to the sound with nothing connected through the conditioner? If not, and you had some things connected through the conditioner and other things connected directly, as I explained earlier your findings may be misleading and your setup is probably not optimum.

-- Al
In my most recent testing, I followed the same steps as earlier i.e receiver connected directly to wall and rest all connected via power conditioner.

In few days I will connect everything to wall and repeat the testing and report back.