Do I NEVER shut it off…?

Gryphon says in the instruction manual to leave the amp on. (Diablo 300) 

It sounds amazing and never shuts down, but gets almost too hot to touch on certain parts of the side heat syncs. 
Really…? Leave it on all the time…?

What do you guys think…?

Thank you…!
Hey Guys - Just FYI…

While the Diablo 300 produces more power than the Colosseum it is not a full class A amplifier. It produces about 20 watts in Class A. The maximum current delivery of the Colesseum stereo amplifier is astonishing allowing it to deliver a maximum short-term power of 5400 watts. The Diablo 300 limit is 950 watts.
I guess the real answer is to try a one hour warmup and a 24 hour warm up and see if you can hear a difference. Personally I think it's bad form to leave high power equipment turned on 24/7. 
Post removed 
All solid state regardless of class takes days to reach full saturation/equilibrium and so needs to be left on 24/7 in order to hear full performance.

Don’t take my word for it. Never just take anyone’s word for anything. That includes the manufacturer. Unless you really think any manufacturer is going to tell you the truth, that his SS masterpiece will not sound its best unless left on 24/7/365. He won’t. Truth hurts.

So what you do, leave it on for at least a week. Get good and used to how it sounds left on all the time like this. Then one night turn it off. Leave it off until the next time you are ready to listen. Turn it on. Listen.

Now either you realize it sounds nowhere near as good, or you realize you can’t hear the difference. Either way now at last you know the truth.  

Told you it would hurt.