

Discussions jomonhifi has started

The New Amati G5 or Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene556819
Speaker of My House…!481258
The Best Room I've Ever Heard240112
Transformer..? Moving To TheUK12179
Rossini Apex by DCS - Home Audition33599
Triode vs Ultralinear8751
Triode vs Ultralinear6460
Moving to the UK - Need Transformer264525
SF Amati vs Serafino...?16366
How Hot is Too Hot - Diablo 300 - Hell Hath Some Fury…!22358
Sonus Faber vs Wilson1941072
Bi-Amp - Audio Research Reference 75 SE & Gryphon Diablo 30020456
Is using an Apple Computer a weak link...?273818
OK - Now What…?400635
Do I NEVER shut it off…?951585