Do Streamer only devices really impact sound quality?

From a layman mindset, a streamer transmits electronic information to a dac via coaxial cable or other connection. The electronic information I believe is standardized for all streamers. That said, the streamer itself could not influence the sound quality heard by the audience. I think it is bit-perfect information coming across to the dac. 

So for instance a Bluesound 2i   vs  Cambridge CXN V2 streamer should sound identical with the same connections and equipment used and of course same streaming service and content.


thoughts appreciated if I have this correct?  


I recently replaced my Vault 2i with an Aurender N200 .   I used the Vault 2i with several good DACs since owning it.   It is a great machine.  I still use it for convenience and to rip content.  

The Aurender is in a different league as far as build quality, support, and sound quality.   

While Bluesound support is OK , but their focus is on forward compatibility with new BS devices.  Yes you sometimes get new features but the firmware often fixes bugs / known issues.   

Aurender will actually get into your device remotely if necessary.   They answered my support question fast and their upcoming software revision took care off the issue.  This all happened within a few day of my support request.   



I have used every streaming source possible. The moment I bought a dedicated streamer I immediately abandoned other sources and rapidly moved up the levels, experiencing major sound quality improvements at every step culminating with the flagship Aurender streamer: W20SE…. $22K… worth every penny in sound quality. I also own an Aurender N100 for my headphone system. You can see my systems under my UserID.


Best to hear a great quality dedicated streamer then work on the logic. I recommend starting with one costing about the average cost of your components or a bit more. My streamer cast about 20% more than the average cost of my other components… like preamp, phono stage, TT, DAC.

The N200 was a little more than I planned spending but I traded a preamp plus cash to make it happen.   Was planning to use that preamp until mine is built but I could not miss the opportunity to buy the N200 so I did a deal that was super easy on the wallet.   

Great decision and although I have my back up preamp in the system it still sounds pretty good.  

I have pretty much abandoned physical media since owning a Vault.  I have put the Vault's content in the Aurender and will use the N200 almost exclusively now.  Im thinking of selling my OPPO 103, I can't even remember the last time i played a CD or BluRay in it.