@mahler123 ...pinhead angels have become how much per T drive x number of T's
on the 'drive' which drives nothing as done before....
Nothing moves anymore, if one wishes.....control 'knobs' became 'quaint', "How....Retro...", they coo....
@willywonka ...110 mil? Mmmm...there's 2,525 million seconds in an 80 year lifespan, no breaks for sleep, eat, excrete, repeat to listen to all that, a lot of which you'd rather not or have done..... OK, break time is over...
@bruce19 Well put, actually. V goods...Vgods? We're already surrounded and didn't bother to surrender 'till just recently....
Vintage v. SOTA, what we had when v. what's at hand at present.
The price one pays for that which improves what's experienced used to seem to have more of an effect on what was heard.... Of late, only 'those who can' and the truly committed ( and may have been *L* ) can lay or nay 'getting closer' or fell....
@bolong ....*ironic L* I've got mine....you? Good.... ;)
People are strange: Yup. We have met the enemy, and 'they' is us....
@noromance So? Keep the media if it has it's charms that you like....simple. I've got LP, cassettes, cd mine and CD's, hard and SSDrives, the odd dongle....
The idea is to smile and enjoy....how is up to you, and what scratches That Itch.
As for self, that's a conundrum unto itself....
Yes, I enjoy more than I introspect. but the analytical is there, Listening... the sounds, the mix, any notable nuance.....
'Plays into my Walsh fixations"...*L* That's mostly my intent of late...
Streaming just enlarges what I can abuse them with.... ;)
Clarity, as always, my goal....
My posts? *meh* L*