Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both?

Just curious to see if people listen to their music with their eyes opened or closed or a combination of both. I’ve tried it both ways, but find it difficult to keep my eyes closed for a long period of time.


Eyes closed lights dimmed. 

you must close your eyes to see the music. 

+1 on immathewj's response about lights off, eyes closed, although I take off my glasses only sometimes.  When I cannot see the physical objects in the room, it tricks my combined senses into "seeing" a wider and deeper soundstage, as I am depending solely on my hearing unaugmented by sight.  I've been doing this since I was in college.  It also brings back memories of the mostly classical concerts I have attended.  I have a performance of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony (the Pastorale) that can almost convince me that I am back in the Berlin Philharmonic's concert hall of the late 1970's hearing Karl Böhm conduct.  It enhances my listening experience.  YMMV.