Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both?

Just curious to see if people listen to their music with their eyes opened or closed or a combination of both. I’ve tried it both ways, but find it difficult to keep my eyes closed for a long period of time.


Maybe I am the odd man out.  I find it best with my eyes open.  I feel as though I am watching the musicians on the sound stage.  Location and depth of instrument placement, the main/front singer and the backup singers' locations.  It just all seems to come together better when I am watching the music unfold directly in front of me.  And of course, I sometimes drift off a bit, my eyes close, and I definitely enjoy that too.  Watching the music, along with listening to it, is part of the total experience.

Open. Staring at the hanging bulb over the turntable. Because LEDs sound bad, it’s a 60w incandescent, and I know that one day, it’s going to burn through the plastic and fall on the cartridge.

Closed, nearly always and lights off or way down. I do leave my glasses on but I am not distracted by them. Always at night for a serious listen.

Someone said they keep them open as if at a concert. You are not at a concert, you are trying to recreate one. Watching your speakers or the lights on your components is not at all like watching a live performance where the whole visual aspect is a good part of the show. Hard to imagine yourself at a show with your eyes least it is for me. Not like you can literally "trick yourself" but you can sort of imagine a bit better with eyes closed. at least I can. I don't tolerate talking either. Shut up or leave. :)