Does anyone do good protest music anymore?

I had the news on the radio at work this morning and there was some fellow babbling on about reinstituting the draft. At the same time I had the CDP on and Simon and Garfunkel were doing a Dylan protest song. This set my mind to wondering... but I don't remember what I was wondering about.

In the 60's and even early 70's there were lots of talented people protesting. Dylan and S&G are a couple of the obvious suspects but people like Gordon Lightfoot, Arlo Guthrie, Joan Baez and Barry McGuire added a lot to that period.

With this reactionary fearmongering about the draft is there any chance that a new crop of 'protest' singers will emerge, or has the good stuff already been done, and if so, who did it?
But hey guys, I mean U2 is a bit lame compared to their first three albums, no?


The one, only and very bold BAD RELIGION has been around FOR YEARS and Greg Graffin's lyrics are front and center!

Pick any recording and you'll get protest alright.

MUSE - Absolution
Rage Against the Machine - anything by them
Ani DiFranco rocks. Dan Bern, his early stuff is reminiscent of Dylan. Check him out.