Does anyone love the First Watt SIT2

Or SIT1?

I had mine for a couple months and i'm amazed by it. It seems like there was some talk online when it first came out but not so much now. I'm using mine with a Shindo Aurieges, and a Lampizator dac. I've tried a few different preamps, including a DHT suggested in the 6 moons review. But most impressed pairing it with the Shindo. Does anyone else have any love for it?
I used my Sit 2 for 4 years and loved every minute of it. I changed it only to go the 300b route and now a 45 tube.  I wish I had it back to hear one in my current system. 

i think your question can be answered in general "using a pre or not".... I mostly used a preamp. Shindo, dht the 1p4l (diy), my favorite was the Dht from Vinnie rossi. That combo was unfortunately the most expensive and favorite. The auto former volume, I think was dave slagle was probably a huge reason I favored that.  I also have the big 7 with out volume but have gone direct. I do believe simpe is often better but always prefered the active preamp route.To contradict more... I have recently purchased a EMIA passive pre and LOVE it on my desktop system with a 45 amp.
I may have confused you more than helping by offering more options but wanted to share my experence. 
Hi guys, sorry to revive an old thread however I have just managed to obtain a brand new SIT-2 amplifier and am looking for some advice whether direct source connection to the SIT-2 or a DHT-preamp in between is preferred.

Nelson Pass wrote the following in the SIT-2 Manual:

The SIT-1 and SIT-2 amplifiers can be driven in “direct mode” where the source components looks directly at the Gate of the SIT without other active components in between. This is desirable, but in this case the input impedance is 10 Kohms...

Am I understanding the above statement correctly? Can any owners of the SIT-1 or SIT-2 provide some input on this? Direct to amp or a DHT-pre in between, which do you guys prefer?

2nd, If preamp is preferred, anyone have any experience with Shindo Monbrison or Masseto paired with the SIT-2?

3rd, Would a tube DAC, say a lampizator, in lieu of a DHT-preamp provide the same effect?

Thanks & regards

Here's a thread from Audio Asylum in 2005:
Good luck with your upcoming endeavor. Admittedly I'm bias towards high efficiency speakers and good low power amplifiers. The CSLS-SIT-1 seems heavenly with an appropriate speaker match.
I have heard the CSLS and it's difficult to fault it (although like everything else, it's not perfect). I am working on my basement and plan to upgrade some of my components eventually. The CSLS is number one on my list and I will mate it with either the SIT-1 Amplifiers, Wells Audio Innamorata Signature Amplifier or the Merrill Audio Veritas, depending on the speakers I choose down the road. If I go with a very efficient speakers, my first choice would be the SIT-1.
You are correct, personal preferences dictate so much.I truly find the CSLS to be sublime and stunning. However I realize others hear things differently.Just how things go concerning audio.
I have always had a feeling that the CSLS would be magical with the SIT amps, so I am a bit surprised that you liked the Shindo preamp better. Anyway, with audio it comes down to personal tastes and preferences, so your mileage may vary.
Charles, Thanks! I wanted to acknowledge that a few weeks ago on a post but my posts have (had) to get approved and I get behind.

4orreal (and James) - I have the SIT2, but love it love much wanted to to get the SIT1. Mark at Reno HiFI kinda talked me out of it. (I respect that in a dealer) Saying that Nelson has gone on record saying they do sound the same if the SIT1 is on the recommended default setting. The SIT1 does sound different when adjusting from the default, but to Mark's ears it sounded best when left alone. With all that said. I still want to "upgrade" just to make sure. I tried the Coincident line stage. It was very good, even more clear and detailed than than my Aurieges, but it really didn't bring out the magic like I expected.

I never thought 10 watts wound be enough for me. Everything in my past was above 300 besides my XA30. I dont think I even push the limits of the 10 watts. My room is 13x19. I used to think I needed to listen to music really loud to get a life like concert experience. My preference has really changed since getting my new set up. I'm more excited about music than i've ever been.
Is there a significant advantage to having two SIT1 monoblocks instead of a SIT2?

Is the key difference that the SIT1 has a control for optimizing the load line setting of the SIT device? And how big an advantage is this?
I am thinking of getting his latest F6 (upgrade from F5) which is a 30 watt pure class A amp based on Jfet output devices. Srajan of 6moons told me that it is very close to his SIT1 and considering that the F6 goes to 50 watts at 4 ohm, all of them in pure class A and from a fast and simple circuit, I getting goosebumps already.
Have not heard the SIT, but I have his M2, a zero-feedback, Class A 25 watt beauty. It is the smoothest and least fatiguing amp I have ever had (tube or SS), and needless to say, I am Nelson Pass's newest devotee. The man knows good sound.
Nelson Pass seems very passionate about ultra simple and pure circuits. It
isn't surprising that you'd find it more dimensional(less flat) and better than

his highly respected Xa.30 amplifier (with the appropriate speaker match
for the SIT). If I were to ever go to a transistor amplifier the SIT or Valvet
would be my direction. There was a long and very interesting thread
regarding the First Watt SIT amplifiers last yesr on this site. Guf you have a
very nice system.
a have a pair of dc10audio berlin. (96db) I've used a pass labs xa30, kt88 push pull diy. before my current setup i had a bunch of different powerful solid state amps driving Salk SS8s.

I think it sounds detailed and more dimensional than anything i've tried. I never understood depth until I having this amp. My Xa30, which I love, sounds flat in comparison.
Would love to know if you own the SIT-1 or SIT-2. Also, which DHT preamps did you try with them?
Glad to hear your enthusiasm.

How would you describe its sound? What did it replace?

What speakers are you driving?