Does anyone pay the same attention to their car audio?

How many go for the premium audio offered by car companies (& put up with the compromises imposed by all that DSP) & how many go to the trouble of installing their own instead? Or do most throw up their hands & reserve quality listening for home?
Sometimes I like to listen to music in my stock Honda Civic. Makes me appreciate what I have in my living room hi-fi when I am doubting it. Sometimes you gotta hear bad to know what good is.
I put a 1000 watt Alpine/Infinity system in my Camaro, sounds pretty damn good.
I will take the audio upgrade every time. And I will not upgrade it myself because I want to be able to resell/trade the car in the future. If I owned or chased restorations, then I would want the stock OEM audio. 
The Levinson ssytem is great in the LS430. Used to be into Car Audio before becoming serious about home audio. 97 Rivera, McIntosh MC440M, MCC222 amps, MX406 cdp, Dynaudio speakers, MB Quart sub. 2001 Lexus ES300 McIntosh MC4000M amp, Clarion DRZ9255 cdp, Dali speakers and sub. The 4000 was a monster car amp.
Newer models, especially German cars have very specific wiring needs. Adding additional/different speakers can mess up the electronic balance and end up causing all sorts of warnings popping up.

My Audi TTS has the B&O sound system. It has to be one of the worst ever created. Even the Bose system in my TTS MkII was better.
I am lucky that my local sound guy is well versed with European cars and can work his magic.