Does anyone use hearing aids when listening to your hi-fi audio system?

Yeah I just got hearing aids and I am feeling very old. Six years total time in Air-defense artillery and Field-artillery with the Army has ruined a band of my mid to high level frequency hearing.

Does anyone else out there listen to your hi-fi audio system with your hearing aids? What are the disadvantages? Does it make the experience any better? Pros and cons?
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psag, I have Oticon Intiga 10 hearing aids.

The newer aids have faster processors and software.
If my hearing got to a point of questioning it, I’d be selling the expensive speakers and amp, and getting the best headphones and headphone amp I could get.

Cheers George
This is fairly recent so I will post for posterity. I have classic Noise Induced Hearing Lose (NIHL) also known as Noise Notch. One of the most significant losses are transient like cricket chirp frequencies. I remember when I first got my Oticon aids I was getting ready for bed one summer night and the windows were open and the crickets were at full chat. I pulled out my aids and my heart just sank. The crickets literally just vanished. :( As I type this I am listening to a tune that has what sounds like claves and if I pull out my aids the claves become significantly veiled (Thick curtain is more like it). Now the tune has changed to percussion that has brushes and without the aids the brushes are gone, sad. If I cup my hands around the back of both ears, like grand paw, the brushes return but not as clear as with the aides. I have 4 program settings that can be programmed. #1 is normal settings targeted to aid my loss, #2 is set to cull out background noise and focus on the sound coming directly at me.#3 is wide open. #4 is turned down to a lower volume and I try that setting when listening to music. My audiologist said she would come to my house and program them while I listened to my system. When I crank the volume I take them out. My version were about $3k When you jump up to higher end models ($4K-$6k) you get many more sophisticated program options and features like mobile device control apps and blue teepher. I got the $3k model cause that is what my insurance will pay. I highly recommend getting a pair if you have hearing loss and especially if your insurance covers them, but be warned they take some getting used too and some noises will cause you to rip them from your head like the continuous clacking of a Mazzer dosser being used in a busy coffee shop or someone hitting a spoon against a saucer as they eat. Thank god for the mute setting. I just wish I had used them when auditioning my speakers. Let me tell you people, if you like live concert music or exposed to any loud noise, for gods phuck’n sake, take measure to protect your hearing or risk losing one of the greatest gifts of existence.