I live near a couple of high end shops and have hung out to listen to several mega expensive systems over the years and always enjoy that. I also enjoy the fact that I can assemble a system every bit as enjoyable in my home, using well sorted and generally far less expensive gear that's been fussed over and made to fit my tastes. That simply comes from experience...does my system sound better than the mega gear at the "salon?" Yes it does, and that is likely due to the fact that one learns things along the way (if one cares to)...well done power supplies, noise suppressing AC gizmos, better sounding tubes, deciding a certain cable fits into the rig without making itself known...my reference is musical instruments all over my house, decades of live music as a professional musician who also mixes live shows, and understanding how to impose my personal taste on my gear. That's it...it's not a pushup contest, I don't require validation from others, I simply make it sound right or change something. A self indulgent personal fun zone just for me.