Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
@nonoise RE:...

I ordered some of those Ikea tea light holders from Ikea and am getting 12 for $11
I like your style - I went to the Dollar Store and bought a couple of sets of children’s wooden Alphabet blocks - $6 for two sets of 15 blocks.
- I stuck some craft sticks on the sides to stop the cables sliding off - an additional $3
- And a 2" tile from a bathroom project as the base - just to stabilize them
- worked like a charm

I didn’t know if it would do anything positive but as it turns out
- one of my cheapest tweaks to date - that worked :-)

Regards - Steve

This is so called "snake oil" stuff putting soap in your searching ears and attempting to grab your wallet. The MOST important part of any home listening experience is - without a single doubt  - acoustic treatment of where we listen to music.It can be achieved with surprisingly minimal expense ! Exempli gratia - an immense improvement I made to my listening room was to hang 12 x 5 Euros umbrellas hanging closely to my 50 sq metre ceillng filled with BAF wadding, ( copied from Sydney Opera House and the Royal Albert Hall ). Their treatments which are not - nota bene - cheap Chinese umbrellas, no doubt whatsoever cost them really big bucks. Enjoy the music ! Good wishes.