Dog pissed on speaker

Any suggestions for how to remove dog piss from speaker, including on paper cone? Klipsch Heresy IV. It still has faint smell, and if I can still smell it must be strong to the dog. Dog has stopped peeing there but I’m still concerned he might again, driven by the smell. And if I get rid of the speakers, who would buy it?


Showing 1 response by ashoka

Try mild blow of Hair dyer for long hours, Try talcum, Chickpea flour, activated charcoal even Soda ash But don't forget brush it off/ careful vacuum or air blowing. Don't use fine powder but rough powder, if not readily available sieve it your self. IPA/glass cleaner( may harm impregnated resin OR coat) smell Masking agents like vinegar/ scents. But try everything mentioned on near similar paper doped with dogs urine if result is satisfactory go ahead with care in horizontal position for many hours until you are happy with result.