Don’t fight your speakers.

I owned a pair of NHT 3.3 for a year.

Did a lot of things right, but I could never just enjoy the music and relax. Upgraded cables, DAC, Power Cables, lamps and amplifier.

I heard the benefits of each upgrade, everything was getting better each time. But I could never relax and just enjoy the music.

I finally accepted my fate, sold the damn thing and got a pair of Dali Euphonia MS4.

Now, I am grateful for the NHT 3.3 as they forced me to upgrade all of my components and the Dali really shine on those, I can finally enjoy music and stop listening to the gear, but sometimes I wonder… what would’ve happened if I didn’t trade the speakers?

Would have I lost my wife, house and job along this crazy pursuit?!

Lesson learned: don’t fight the speakers, if it’s not enjoyable, change ASAP!

I’m sharing my experience hoping to save the time, money and sanity of others like-minded mule as I was.

Please share your experiences fighting with speakers and the sweet bliss one’s get when accepting his loss. Losing is winning in this case I’d say!


Have a fun time all the time!


It was a lesson learned the hard way, spent a year analyzing music instead of enjoying it. Foolishness of a youngster I guess.


My first taste of HiFi was on a pair of B&W DM4 paired with then some top of the line Simaudio front end( now Moon), I remember my father in law playing some Bruce Springsteen and I just listened in awe as if it was the first time I heard music in a domestic setting. Will never forget this sound!

Ain’t surprised you found bliss on the 805!

Agreed.  If the speakers have a fundamental flaw, it is cost ineffective (and a bit nuts) to work all your other components around that flaw.  Start with the speakers, then pick a complimentary amp, then pick the best source you can afford.

For me, it's don't fight the room.  You get off the upgrade merry-go-round a lot faster when that is right and speakers sound closer to the dealer demo when you get them home.