Driver Tubes 6922

I've heard a few people opining that the driver tube can be the most important tube.

Why is this?

What do you look for in a 6922?

What differences might I expect to hear replacing my modern GL e88cc with an expensive NOS 6922?

Any recommendations for a 6922  based on actual experience?









Thanks. The reason I think they are used is the fact that all the labels are worn off, at least one of the pins is bent and other visual signs.

Ok. I am learning alot this evening, 




                   Should you not get an immediate response:

     If I'm not mistaken, Brent Jessee's on vacation/closed until Sept 5.   

         Rest assured: he'll treat you very fairly, whatever the issue. 

     btw:  I've had 6SN7GT, Tung-Sol round plates, that got noisy in the same way you've mentioned, do to material flaking and getting in their grids.

     GENTLY tapping their pins (vertically) on a table cleared them up nicely.

     Never needed to try that with nine pin miniatures, but: who knows?



Unfortunately I have also received tubesI thought were used ....  not from Brent but another well respected dealer.   

The truth is that a lot of "NOS" tubes are "pulls" , tubes that were lightly used but still test stronger than new.  In the 50's and 60's tons of test equipment and medical instruments had tubes.   When these instruments were decommissioned those tubes were pulled and went into someone's stash.   

I repair medical equipment and still occasionally come across really old power supplies that are tube rectified and filtered.  It was common practice to pull tubes out on a lot of stuff before trashing it 

You could have and probably did receive NOS from Brent but another problem is that after 50 or 60 years the silkscreen flaked off.   Sometimes just touching the print will wear / wipe it away.   

The only way to know you are getting a good tube is to test it.   I ultimately ended up buying a tube tester.   I have a buddy who does clean outs and occasionally he will drop off some tubes.    The last tubes he gave me that I believed to be NOS was a pair of early 60's RCA 6v6.   The boxes were rough but the tubes tested strong , better than min.    Were they used briefly and put back in a box ?   No one will ever know...   

Personally for the 6922 I would just buy a pair of Gold Lion or JJ that is matched and tested for noise.   Its only a few bucks more but you know you are getting new, strong tubes.  

I'm sure Brent will take care of you.   I have had a few tubes from him and they were always as described.  

I bought a tube tester last year and it was an eye opener.   Most tubes I got from trusted dealers were as advertised but I had a number of tubes that were duds. 

Mismatched triodes, weak,  also had a bad 5r4gy (shorted) that would have damaged my new 300b amp.    That tester paid for itself that day.  

My reasoning to buy it was because I was starting to play with antique tubes like 300b and 274b / 5r4gy  types .    That amp also uses e180f  which is only available as NOS or used.    Fortunately that tube and it's variants are easy to find NOS but I want peace of mind before using ANY tube.    That said, even brand new tubes get tested before going in any of my gear