Dunlavy SCIV - What amp are you using?

I noticed lately a lot of talk about Dunlavy Speakers. I was wondering what your favorite amplier of choice is with the SCIV or SCIVa?

I've been using a Bel Canto SET40 stereo amplifier that uses 845 Triode Transmitting tubes in single ended mode that puts out 35watts rms and gives 75 watts peak. It is very extended at the extremes and has a breathtaking midrange to die for.

I'd love to hear what others have been using.

Thank you.
I used Pass Aleph 2 mono with the SC IVa. It was a very good match. I heard that Dunlavy had those amps in house and that they liked the match.

Interesting to see the number of people using tubes, but maybe not as I recall the IVa to be a "easy" load even if it is lowish for tubes at a nominal 4 ohms.

My HT center channel uses an ARC VS 55 driving a Dunlavy SM1 in a vertical biamp setup - works great.

i have SCIV's and bi-amp them. bought the Dunlavy's new in 1995. have EAR 509 monoblocks for mids and treble, a Carver Sunfire amp for woofers. it sounds great. they are very easy to drive, very stable load, 91db efficiency.....
With all of you Dunlavy owners congregating in this thread, can I ask if any of you have put your speakers up on something -- cones or whatever? Any good?
Drubin- I stuck my SC-IV Improved on some home made spike/sands. Basically just some 16" wide cherry stock with 2 3/8" spikes drilled in and leveled. The strips sit just inside the base dimensions and elevate the speakers about 1 7/8". My floor is carpet over sprung wood with a basement under the room so in MY ROOM ( note emphasis to avoid possible flame jobs ) I found the bass to become faster, more well blended and in my opinion, better. The second benefit to me was the raising of the tweeters. My couch is a bit taller than average so the elevation helped the 'stage and image depth.
I have considered going with some Mapleshade brass footers or even some older Audiopoints but the cost just seems tough to justify. I have about $12.00 in my home brews and the cheapest I have seen the right size cones go for is in the area of $150.00.
Just to keep on thread topic, i am running my speakers with and Ayre v3 w/ K revision and Ayre Condtioner.