Dunlavy vs Coincident

I own a set of Dunlavy 4s which I have in a 18x26x8 room. I like what I hear, but would like to possibly upgrade. I am planning on moving into a smaller room 14x19x9 in a couple of months and was thinking that might be a good time to audition some new speakers. I was thinking of the Coincident super or total eclipse. Has anyone out there compared Dunlavy 4 or 4a to either of these Coincident models. I am thinking the Coincident speakers might work a little better in a smaller room. My amps are BAT VK150SE and a Wadia 860x CD player.

Showing 1 response by khaki8

I have Dunlavy Cantatas and for a short time had Coincident
Super Eclipse for a second system. The Coincidents had a very big soundstage with too much treble and too much bass for my taste.When listening to classical music the violins were in the wrong place somewhere further back than they should be.
They sounded very dynamic when you first listen to them but then you realize that the sound is veiled.Also the finish on the cabinets was terrible with little flakes chipping off.If you buy them go for the light color.
Many people like these speakers but to me they weren't as good as the Dunlavy SCII's which I was trying to replace in my second system.The SCII's cost less than half the price of the Super Eclipses.
Oh well! That what makes the world go around.