DVD player used as a CD player good/bad

Hi, I have recently started wondering if one of my weak links to poor cd sound and punch is the fact that I am using my Toshiba DVD player for CD 2ch listening. I use my optical connections between the player and A/V receiver. I really want better sound. I have upgreaded to a Denon receiver that will be here shortly and I run klipsch towers and surrounds and a velodyne 15in sub. I really lack good hit in the 100hz area. It really sounds like the mids are muted or uncapable of playing loud. Do I need a dedicated SACD or CD player to enjoy good 2ch audio. Any educ. on the subject would be great.
The Toshiba DVD you are using needs to be stated. Their models differ greatly. I have a cheaper toshiba DVD and used the digital coax output to my receiver. All of my assets are wrapped up in my two channel system so one day just for kicks I decided to compare the sound of the DVD and the CD player using the same source material. I compared the sound to my more expensive CD player (Resolution Audio Opus 21). It was sad how poorly the Toshiba DVD player sounded. Much, much worse than I had anticipated. IMHO if you have a cheaper Toshiba, don't expect that cables or receivers will rescue the sound.
I agree with the comments about using analog connections to your receiver instead of digital (and using the receiver's dacs). There is night and day difference when I connect my toshiba sd5700 thru analog to my NAD T752 receiver...simply the toshiba sounds more natural and better dynamic range.
I agree with Thsalmon, I also have a Denon receiver with a Toshiba DVD player but I have both the digital and the analog connections hooked up. In two cahnnel "direct" mode the analog connections sound much better. I doubt that you would hear much difference between the optical and coaxial digital connections.
I had an Onkyo dvd player and up-graded to the Arcam cd72t
(cd player) It made a HUGE difference and I love this player.
I had to re-listen to all my old cd's and re-discover sounds I never
knew were there. A quality CD player will sound better than a
sub $500 univeral player IMHO.

Get a used Cal 2500 / Great picture and smooth non fatiguing sound . Excellent on both analog as well as digital coax