Dynaudio Evidence Master need speaker cables

I need some speaker cables that will match my new Dynaudio Evidence Master speakers. I have Lamm 1.2 reference amps. I have used Kubala-Sosna with good results but I am open to new things. All suggestions welcome.
I have ordered a pair of Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2.0 speaker cables. I will update you on what I think next week once they arrive.
Bryanhod, I never heard the the 2.0's but any of VD's product needs time to break-in. The Sig's I had 500 hours, I am waiting for Genesis bi-wire speaker cables to arrive, should be interesting.
Ok, here's a suggestion. Relatively cheap to try, so if you don't like the results, no biggie.

I use Kimber 8TC's with WBT spades between my MC501's and Evidence Temptations. I like the end product.
I have the Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2.0 speaker cables in my system now. They are not harsh initially which is a good sign but we shall see how they do in time.