''phiiosophical investigation''. He was not able to formulate any
consistent theory but made ''endless many'' philosophical
''remarks''. I was not able to remember more than 10. I have no
idea about the others. According to me you can remember more
contributions in the MM thread than anybody else. Even so you
overlooked J. Carr's contribution about cantilevers ''materials''.
The only advantage of aluminum (alloy) in comparison with
other is that the stylus can be ''pressure fitted'' . All other kinds
are fragile and will shatter by so doing. That is why styli in
such cantilevers must be glued. This however ''imply'' glue
between the stylus and the cantilever preventing this way
''rigid connection'' between them.
As he also explained there are many other material properties
involved and in this context he also explained why he uses
Dear Dover, Wittgenstein deed state that there is no such
thing as ''private language''. As social invention and means
for communication we need to understand ''words in use''.
In this context we say about Decca and Ikeda 9 C series that
they are ''cantileverless''. This imply that for you ''cantilevers''
means something else than , uh, ''cantilevers'' for us.
Anyway thanks for your kindness to answer Lew's difficult
question addresses to me. I never made any ''schematics''
in my life and he wants me to draw one of Ikeda 9 C? (grin).