Dynavector XV-1s loading question.

I have a transformerless (no step up) phono stage (Wavestream kinetics) with 62db gain.

What would the optimum loading be based on the XV-1s specs?
Impedance= R=6 ohms, L=18 micro Henry
Recommended load=resistance > 30 ohms

I can only adjust the resistive loading.
As you approach 30 ohms from higher values, you may notice at some point that you have less apparent phono stage gain, due to loss of signal from hot to ground. If that is happening, then go up at least one notch from the value that affected gain. This will give you a near approximation of "critical damping". Or just use 100 ohms, which is pretty standard for cartridges with an internal resistance of <10 ohms.
There is no specific recommended loading for any cartridge -- a lot depends on your phonostage, your personal taste, etc. With well behaved phonostages that don't freak out and overload from the ultrasonic peak, it is possible for most moving coils to be operated almost unloaded (the higher the number the LOWER the loading, e.g., 47K or 100K). That would give the most open top end, but it could also mean excessive brightness and sibilance and an anemic bass response which is why some loading may be required.

The recommended 30 ohm minimum value represents an extreme amount of loading for most cartridges. When too much loading is applied (very LOW value resistor), overall signal level is reduced, the top end sounds shut down and the cartridge will sound bass heavy, slow and lifeless.

As a very rough guide, I would start at 15 times the internal impedance of the cartridge (90 ohms, in this case) as the low end and expect to find the ideal value somewhere above that number. As a pure guess, I bet something around 125-250 will work well.
>30 is the right answer. In most systems, the number has been in the 100-150 range. In some rare configurations, I've found 35-50 works best.

Now, with my Atma-sphere MP-1, I am running wide open (no loading resistors). Just when you think you have it nailed down, your world turns upside down.

I'm beginning to think that we're not hearing so much the ultrasonic resonance peak direcly as much as we're hearing how this peak gives some phono stages fits (throws them into resonance).

I'd be curious to hear the thoughts of some preamp designers on this.

Thom @ Galibier
Thank you all for taking the time to post. I had initially used 700 ohm when the cartridge was new since I wasn't too concerned about loading until I had a few hours on it.

I still only have 40 hours on it and it actually sounds quite nice with the current load but I will definitely try different values as I put more hours on the cartridge.
Thom, Allen Wright (a noted preamp designer) is very outspoken on this subject, over on the TubeDIY forum. He has insisted for a long time that LOMC cartridges sound best with a 47K ohm load. I've got an MP1, too, albeit a highly modified one. For me, 47K is a bit too bright with my Ortofon MC7500 or Koetsu Urushi. My guess is that one's preference will depend upon one's listening bias and the amplifiers and speakers downstream from the phono stage.