Ears hurt when listening after changing speakers

For years I had multiple models of Maggies and Martin Logan speakers. I could play them very loud with no problems with my ears. A few months ago I purchased the Rockport Aviors and now when I listen at moderate to high levels my ears start to hurt.  Anyone one else experience this when changing speakers and would like thoughts on how to resolve other than turning the volume down.  I do love the Rockport.
Thanks to all. I was using Paavo XA 160 amp with Audio Research LS27 preamp. Switched amps to VTL S-200
Don’t know anything about a Paavo amp??? but having the option of switching amps, especially to a good quality soft-clipping tube amp, should help troubleshoot at minimum with those speakers I suspect. Those speakers are speced at 4 ohms though so that could make them a somewhat challenging load for many amps.
The Rockport loudspeakers have a much greater top end extension than the Martin Logan's Martin Logans like most electrostatic loudspeakers have a polite top end with a much greater fullness in the midrange.

A warmer dac or changing cables might help, the Rockports are a very revealing loudspeaker.

What is the rest of your system?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Room acoustics.

The maggies probably had more controlled dispersion. The new speakers have a wider dispersion.

Try throwing some blankets and pillows on the floor, between and behind and to the sides of your new speakers. If this makes things better, it's a good clue where to go next.