Efficient Speakers with SS Powered Subwoofers for SET amps?

Been loving my Martin Logan Expression 13a but I need my tubes back. Been enjoying low powered SET amps again and would love to use them in my primary setup. Currently running a Woo Audio WA5 that is doubling as my headphone rig. Will probably end up with something else in the near future. 

Trouble is I'm having a tough time getting off the powerful authoritative bass coming from the Martin Logans and their 300 watt class D 10 inch woofers. I've seen the Zu Audio definition's with their powered woofers but I'd like to spend less. Ideally under 10k. Looking to run the tubes for all the mids and highs with solid state running the lows. 

I realize I could simply run a separate dedicated sub but an all in one package is more appealing and space is a concern.

Can you guys make any recommendations?


Charles 1 dad's suggestion of the Rethm speakers is interesting.  I heard one of their speakers not too long ago and it was quite nice sounding, particularly for the money.  I believe it had a built in powered woofer and utilized a full-range driver to handle everything from the upper bass on up.  It is efficient enough to work with a SET amp for the full-range part of the system.

At a much higher price, the truly full-range Charney speakers are quite interesting.  I heard them operating as a one driver, full-range system (no subwoofer), but, I think a subwoofer that came in at a fairly low frequency would help that system.  It was also quite efficient too.

With the LM amp you should consider the Tekton Double Impact SE speakers. They cost $6500 new. They are highly effecient and offer tremendous bass. No powered sub needed in these. The LM would be a wonderful match. The bass in these speakers is as good as powered subs without the added electronics, complexity and cost. Tube watts (20-48) will rattle your room and thump your check with these speakers. 
The Charney Audio Companion with the Omega RS7 driver would be a great way to go for your room size. I have listened to them in a 14x19x9 room and the bass is sufficient. You can always add one down the road if desired. Your choice of the LM 518a is far and away enough power. The RS7 driver lends itself well to low watt SET amps as well as SS amplification. I have a pair and listen in my 11x15x8 room. I currently us a pair of ANK interstage mono's, but recently demoed the Digital Amplifier Company Stereo Maraschino (STM) integrated. It gave my 300b a serious run for the money and is less than a quarter of the cost. A very good integrated I could easily live with had I not owned the ANK monos.
Enjoy your journey.
@rodge827 I've heard the Omegas before and I wasn't a huge fan of their sound. I was using a Cary 300 SEI at the time and they just didn't have the punch and dynamics I was looking for. I'll check out those amps though.
@larryi  Yeah I've been hearing good things on the Rethm speakers. I particularly like how they designed the Bhaava. It's really nice to see a fresh take on what a speaker should look like. The idea of using a full range driver for its entire range and then a sub to prop up bass impact seems like a great idea. I hear Voxativ is coming out with something similar in the near future.