Good idea regarding the LM 518ia. I would give serious consideration to the LM 508ia amplifier. For not much more money it is a 48 Watt SET so operation is pure class A (as are all SETs). What’s very unique is it uses the 300b as the driver tube which is a DHT (Directly heated triode) for the 805 output tube. So you have a DHT driving a DHT. Owners of this amplifier who have posted on this site say the sound quality is simply superb. The 508ia is said to be a step above the already very good sounding 518ia which is 845 output tube driven by 6L6/6V6/el34 or KT 88 tubes. The 508ia is sonically comparable to the higher cost 219ia which also has 300b driver tube for an 845 output tube.