Eggleston Works Andra II speakers as forever speakers.

If you didn't read the online stuff or hifi rags, could you live with these speakers for a long time, say 10-15 years, without the urge to upgrade or change?  Why?

    Would you say you are more of a clarity freak or musical?  I think I verge on being more of the former without etching, however.  I also like dynamics.  My problem is I'd also like to have speakers that sound good even with less  than stellar recordings.
I had a pair of Vandersteen 2Ci speakers in my living room for 18 years and only sold them to get the 2Ce signatures.   I liked the 2Ci speakers more.  
I've had my EgglestonWorks Fontaines (smaller brother of the Andras) for over 10 years, have demoed many speakers more and less expensive, before and since, yet I still prefer my Eggys. I really don't see swapping them out. So sure, at least for me, forever is a possibility.

I owned the Andra ll's for many years, they are great speakers.
But, as I got older moving around a 215 lb. speaker became a chore.

I also wanted to try tube amps and I found that the Andra's needed that extra solid state high power amp (oomph) to get them to perform there best.

But all in all they are very nice sounding and a very good looking speaker in my opinion.

The Andra midrange is run almost full range, which is going to make them very room and setup dependent.  The one time I heard them I wasn't impressed, but like the Rosas quite a lot.  If it works for you, I could imagine being strongly devoted to it.