Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please

Hello all:

I found and read a couple of older threads regarding these speakers, I've been talking with the dealer, and I have read everything I could find on the internet. I understand the DSP's role and the need to bi-amp. The last step befor I plunk down the plastic, is to ask those of you that have them what you think?

What are the pluses and minuses? If you have had them for a couple of months are you still happy? any regrets?

Best regards,

Thanks for laughing, I was/am trying to use humor, probably to avoid conflict, maybe just because most of the discussions in this and other forums strike me as humorous.

With all of the big brains out there you would think there would be one speaker design, amp, cable, front end (I vote for vinyl by the way) and so on, that gets it right. Instead, we have to keep going back to the pusher for another fix of the almost right stuff.

Rchau did not say how long he had been listening to the CS-2's and frankly (and I don't think for a minute maliciously, please believe me) his comments are tinged with a combination of big brain (I can explain why it is not right so what is your problem, just keep sticking that needle in your arm), and more expensive has got to be better because they charge more (dismissal of pro drivers because they don't cost as much as diamond coated super tweeters). I am far from dismissing his comments regarding speaker design because I agree with the science his comments are based on. However, I don't think others understand that I don't care what the components are made of. Taken as a whole, the components should get the music right, and if the CS-2's get it right I don't care if they use recycled bong water to coat the waveguides' fabric.

I may not know much, but I'm sure I know two things: First, I know that I have never heard a system that got it right, without regard for cost. And second, nature gave us opposable thumbs so that we can pick up a stick and beat the problem into submission.

Measuring how close to right you get, is not picking up the stick.
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Guys..you all make very good points..well thought out and intelligently discussed. Yes indeed, I too have been Very guilty of going with the hype of the latest greatest products over the years as well. I think Tvad and I have very similar preference in what we like sonically. I know when a component is not gonna do it for me before too long Sometimes it takes some time (usually not long though) to decide .."hey..I cant live with this or that"..just not gonna do it for me! Many of us feel we have been duped along the way and are tired of being "burned" by that hype....

Now, does that mean Ill have the CS-2's forever?...probably not. I do know that I loved my Quads and was not planning to sell them..but again..In this hobby..we change components for the thrill of the next level of sonic enjoyment.

I can say, that after hearing the CS-2's in my home now for a few months..I hear much of what I always wanted in a speaker or my music. No speaker is perfect..that we all agree. The CS-2 does so many things well and gets the music right IMHO and the negatives are at a minimum for me and my preferences. I could have them be even more dynamic..if I had some SOTA front end equipment before them and maybe Clayton's new DSP unit at some point...but as you can see from my system, I prefer a warmer, less analytical sound..evidenced by no less than 17 tubes taking up residence and (adding heat!) in my set up. Even with my modest equipment, this is a well balanced and quite dynamic sounding system.

With respect to the drivers..I too have read about how the drivers are fairly inexpensive compared to other well regarded speakers and other OB designs...But, in the end..Consttraveler is correct..Taken as a whole, the system equipment, room, and speakers should get the music right first and foremost. Not dismissing the good science that went into the making of other well made and good sounding speakers nor solid work and physics that enabled them to be what they are, I think the heart of the matter for me is that the Emerald Physics speakers have managed to accomplish a benchmark sounding product. There is no new "groundbreaking" technology here..as Rchau correctly points out..only the proper application and forward thinking use of exsisting technology. That forsight has enabled a speaker to sound as good or better than many much higher priced speakers..and that folks I believe is the real buzz and not hype.
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Oh..Grant..You got the order of previously owner speakers correct! LOL!..I didnt know you were keeping track! ;-) Funny.