Entry level CDP

In the Audiogon classifieds are a Rega Planet, NAD C542 BEE, and a Musical Fidelity E624. If price means much, then the NAD must have the most use, followed by the Rega. Which one will give the best overall performance with rock, classical, and jazz? Which one will still be going strong years from now? Thanks
I heard Buc recommend the 595 so much,I bought one.It's a really good player(changer) for the price.I'm not quite as enamored with it as he is.It's not going to replace the Cary in my main system,but it will remain in my bedroom system.
Boiling it down ---As new units: NAD C515BEE, or NAD C545BEE, or Music Hall CD 25.2, or Marantz CD5003 for best bang for the buck, best overall music style flexiblity, best dynamic range performance, best sounstaging.
And is a used Musical Fidelity E624 better than any of the above?
there's really no comparison btwn the musical fidelity and the consumer-grade nad and marantz stuff--the mf is a really well-built, over engineered high end piece, while the latter are mass-market, mass produced stuff--sorta like comparing a lexus to a honda civic. now, i should make the personal disclaimer that i've had bad luck with the reliability of nad and marantz units, but you'll never regret opting for quality.
LJ This goes to show that there is good and there is GOOD.
In my budget NAD IS above mass market. I guess I'll opt for the E624 when I'm ready and if it has not sold. Thanks