"But i want to remind you and all people here that the mechanical control of vibration will not replace in any way the necessary control of the electrical noise floor level of the house and system...
And will never replace the astonishing powerful impact of passive and active acoustic room control..."
For a variety of reasons, mechanical control of vibration is the best I can do, at this time. I can only imagine how much better my system could sound were I able to address the other two factors you list. For now, at least, I am delighted with the considerable improvements wrought by the Symposium products.
With respect,
"But i want to remind you and all people here that the mechanical control of vibration will not replace in any way the necessary control of the electrical noise floor level of the house and system...
And will never replace the astonishing powerful impact of passive and active acoustic room control..."
For a variety of reasons, mechanical control of vibration is the best I can do, at this time. I can only imagine how much better my system could sound were I able to address the other two factors you list. For now, at least, I am delighted with the considerable improvements wrought by the Symposium products.
With respect,