Esoteric A-100 vs a03

I am currently using a Wavac 300B amplifier with my Tannoy turnberry SE speakers. While I am enjoying the luxurious Wavac ride but there are always times that I feel the 10 watts Wavac is not enough. Especially while listening to Rock and pop music when I would like to crank it up and have fun, the music doesnt sound very comfortable. I know I should not be doing this with a 300B tube amp but then I listen to all kinds of music and I dont own a 100db sensitive speaker.

The choice is now either to go with a powerful push-pull which has the overall purity of an SET or a more drastic step towards a good solid state amplifier. I have heard the Esoteric a03 and liked it a lot driving a pair of Maggies. But I have never heard the A-100. Esoteric says that A-100 sounds as pure and neutral as master tapes, thats a serious claim, but then they are manufacturers. Can anyone here give me an idea of which of these amps would be a better buy for sonic purity, neutrality and dynamics ?
Charles, I have heard quite a few 845 tubes based amps, both SET and PP. They just dont make the grade for me. Yes, they have bone crunching dynamics and they sound big but they dont have the nuance and delicacy. Everything sounds blown up out of proportion, even voices sound unrealistic. Unfortunately I heard something similar even with Wavac 805 based models. Looks like some of these big tubes have been forced into audio.
I find it difficult to generalize due to the relatively wide range amongst products. Somec845 amps are better than others as is the case for 300b amps. Implementation seems to be the major factor in determining successful outcomes. I'm familiar with the Absolare and Viva 845 SETs and could be very happy with either. Other people have often touted the Audion Black Shadow as an excellent 845 amplifier. It's hard to avoid generalizations as we call only report what we've experienced. Pani it may be that given your speakers(and stated objectives) a PP amplifier might be what you're seeking? Your Wavac 300b is highly regarded but in your case it may not be ideal for your specific Tannoys.
From my current PP amp 35/ 25 wpc ( ultralinear / triode ) , In my next amp upgrade dream I have put as first choice : Lamm M1.1 which is a push pull hybrid amp with 90 wpc. I wonder if that would meet your needs , considering Lamm 's reputation it should be among the very best PP amps in its wattage rating .
Sorry for a mistake in my earlier post. I wrongly referred to Lamm M1.1
My correct reference to the model should have been Lamm M1.2 Ref. , Hybrid , 110 wpc . ( I believe it is Push Pull , pl correct me if I am wrong ) .