Esoteric K03XD

I have the opportunity to buy the Esoteric K03XD at a extremely attractive from a out of state friend.  I trust his ears and he has always bragged about how the XD line was much more musical and organic than previous Esoteric players.  Anyone heard the K03XD? I was never in love with the sound of the older players.  Any feedback about this player would be truly appreciated!

we are an esoteric dealer the line is going through a new se update so you may want to look at a new ko5xse although it is a model lower it will sound better witht he new updates


Dave and Troy

audio Intellect NJ

Esoteric dealer

the line is going through a new se update

@audiotroy The K-05XD was released a year ago and already an se-update???!!!

While I do believe eventually the K-05XD will be upgraded to SE model, others do not believe that will be happening near term.   It came out later in the K-XD line, and reportedly already has the Master Sound Discrete Clock which is part of the SE upgrade with the K-01XD and K-03XD.

Does anyone see a pattern regarding the release of "new and improved" models and the time frame between the "upgraded" models? Quite different than say Luxman who releases a new CDP model every five to seven years. However, In their defense, they are similar to Wilson and DCS in that regard.

And yes, amazing how each new version is no longer "dry and sterile" or more "liquid and organic" when compared to the previous model. What a joke.