Esoteric P5/D5 Opinions please

I'm just wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to listen to the above combo? How does it sound compared to the other models in the Esoteric range, like the X03se? or the X01D2?

Showing 15 responses by bar81

Whatever. The point was why would you settle for an X-03se when you can afford better units.
According to Esoteric Europe they did a head to head and the combo lost out to the X01D2. Based upon the comments, it is likely that it's superior to the X-03, which isn't that hard (although it's a good unit at the pricepoint). At the end of the day, as long as the box styling of the X-01 D2 doesn't put you off, that would be the one to go for since it's performance is superior and you don't need two AES/EBU cables, a BNC/BNC SPDI/F for clock, an additional PC and an additional rack space. Even worse, once you factor that all in, the combo is probably more expensive than the X-01 D2.
Glad this got bumped back up. I just talked to an actual dealer regarding his impressions of the P-05/D-05 and he felt it was better than the X-01 D2 and, frankly, close enough to the P-03/D-03 that Esoteric might be stealing sales away from itself, particularly with the recent price hike on the P-03. Having said that, it's definitely in the mix for me as my next source based on my experience with the P-03/D-03.
Of course. Looks like you can have the Dual AES/EBU + BNC Clock and then SPDIF and TOSlink sources.

Did you actually try the P-05/D-05 and P-05/D-03 combinations before choosing? You also mentioned that you picked the D-05 not based upon price but you didn't mention the most important aspect of an audio component, performance. Did you feel that the D-05 was superior to the D-05?
Smart move and concur on your expenditure priorities. If you're happy with the emmlabs sound then there's no reason to buy a new DAC. I've integrated my two channel a/v setup with my two channel audio system with no ill effects - I run the spdif out of my HD-DVD/Blu-Ray player to my Wadia and it's fantastic; same with the XBox 360 and PS2 into the Toslink input on my Wadia. The key I've found is to isolate the video portions of your system by putting them on a whole different power delivery subsystem with their own power filter to make sure they don't contaminate the audio.
That makes a lot more sense. In any case, the P-05/D-05 is probably going to move a good amount of units for Esoteric as the price tag is significantly more palatable than the P-03/D-03 and in comparison to the X-01D2, it's aesthetically more refined.
If you're willing to go into that price range then you shouldn't waste your money on the X-03se; try the X-01 Ltd or the X-01 D2
I'm not disputing value for money but if you're really concerned about that, then a GNSC Statement Wadia 861se is the way to go; it'll outperform the Esoteric one boxes (and hang with the P-03/D-03) and can be had used for the price of a X-03se.
Does x-03 se capture around 80% performance of the p3/d3?

Not even in anyone's wildest dreams. I would say it's maybe 50-60%.
Well, the dealer is himself an interested party so his opinion does not necessarily have any added credibility over those having experience with the units and, frankly, many times is less credible. The manufacturer also has his own agenda. This is precisely the reason that threads like this exist, to obtain alternative viewpoints other than those pushed by marketing and sales concerns.