Esoteric P5/D5 Opinions please

I'm just wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to listen to the above combo? How does it sound compared to the other models in the Esoteric range, like the X03se? or the X01D2?
>>its hard to believe a cdp that costs as much as the X-03se can be considered "value conscious".<<

Actually it's not hard to believe given the context of the other products mentioned here to include the P-05/D-05, X-01D2, P-03/D-03, X-01LE.

In that regard, the X-03SE should appeal to the value conscious buyer.

I hope that helps.

would it be safe to say that in ranking, the best would be:

x01 d2
x01 le
x-03 se

Does x-03 se capture around 80% performance of the p3/d3 ?
Does x-03 se capture around 80% performance of the p3/d3?

Not even in anyone's wildest dreams. I would say it's maybe 50-60%.
02-22-08: Bar81
Am I reading that right, the P-05/D-05 is the second coming?!?

No, its not the second coming. The P-05/D-05 desparately needs the help of the G-03x master clock generator to really sing. Without this, a number of integrateds eclipse the combo and as such offer far better value for money.

IMHO the P-05/D-05 and the new X-05 are weak additions to the Esoteric family.
The P5/D5 was designed to be used with another BNC link between the 2 units to sync the clock. Only then do you realise the full potential of the combo.