(1) Quality build and superior shielded Ethernet cable long enough single cable from the internet router to the network switch positioned close to your audio system ….say, within a metre away from the audio. equipment.
(2) You don’t need to go hog wild yet on an expensive “audiophile rated “ esoteric network switch expensive model ( think Silent Angel et al ). The latter custom units do work very well as audio performance upgrade for sure, but they are ka-Ching $$$$. I use a modest “ normal “ ( CISCO or peer grade home ….) 4-port Ethernet netwitk switch BUT ….and its a big “ but” ,with an upgraded 3rd party external power supply … go get an iFI POWER X.. Now the audio performance step-up results were immediate and a significant chunk the audiophile grade switch added audio performance, but at a fraction of the audiophile grade network switch price,
(3) Then you can plug in up to four shorter, - say 1m length - quality build Ethernet shielded Ethernet now cables into the four network switch ports
(4) the other end of the Ethernet cables are then connected to your Ethernet connected sources , ….player, NAS, streamer , DAC etc.