Favorite all-in-one remote control?

I'd like some opinions on the best all-in-one, learning remote controls out there. I don't even have all that many components, but I am sick of swimming in remote controls!! My gear is in a dedicated closet, so rf would be a plus (although I do have a set of powermids, so its not a deal-breaker). I've got 4 components to control (including a tv). Something of a reasonable size would be nice too, I'd like to avoid anything resembling a video game. Simplicity is a big plus, the less gadgety the better.
Thanks for your opinions, Jb3
I'm using a Marantz 2000 MkII and love it. I was able to replace 5 remotes with this one, and even my wife can use it to control the basic functions. I found it on FleaBay for $75, scooped it up and now I'm HAPPY!

And, contrary to what I'd read, it is NOT very battery-hungry: I replace the DuraCell alkalines about twice a year and that's with moderate to heavy use.

BTW, The Marantz SR-18 is the same unit with a different name...

I have a Pronto....forget it...
Take a look at Harmony remotes...they have three models and they look pretty well thought out...no macros or anything..it's all web based and then downloaded via usb into your remote...why didn't I think of that?
I have the MX-500 universal remote, I think it's a Theater Master. A search for MX-500 on ebay or google will turn up vendors. I learned about this on the avs and tivo forums (fora?), where it is far and away the most favored universal remote. It was easy to program, though I haven't done the more sophisticated things with mine, like having all your equipment or selected items turn on/off with the use of one button, macros to accomplish tons of things, etc. Everyone says these more complex things are easy to do with it, however. I got mine for about $97 from some online electronics retailer, maybe ABT Electronics or something, but you can possibly find them on ebay for less. A guy was selling one here about a week ago for $65 or so, but it was snatched up immediately.
Went from 6 remotes to the Philips Pronto TSU3000. If you get this make sure to get the Docking Station with the rechargeable battery. This baby does eat batteries. Also, spend the money and have someone program it with macros and make sure they know what they are doing. You will not regret it. All I know is my wife knows how to operate it and when she first saw it, she said "NO WAY". If she can use this thing then it is a sure hit.
