Favorite song to demo or test drive speakers?

What is the first song you played when you listened to your new system for the 1st time? 
Oh, almost forgot....

Save Yourself, Stabbing Westward

Don't use as a demo in a B&M.....;)  Great basslines for the woofs.

Again, played loud....

These last 54 years, Dylan, Blonde on Blonde, Visions of Johanna.  MFSL 45rpm.

Look for clarity and definition of the multiple instruments.  Three guitars and drums, not.

Emerson, Lake, and Palmer - Tarkus/Trilogy MFSL 200g Vinyl Rip 96/24

Genesis Firth of Fifth - Selling England By The Pound Quiex 200g Vinyl Rip 96/24

Peter Gabriel/Kate Bush/Tony Levin - Don't Give Up SACD - for both Bass & Vocal Sibilances

Certain Diana Krall stuff for vocal Sibilances

The usual Audiophile Stuff but great music none the less

Rebecca Pidgeon - Spanish Harlem, Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold, anything Patricia Barber

And to watch for Cone Excursion - 1812 Telarc SACD Cannon shots !
The whole Emmylou Harris album "Cowgirl's Prayer" with it's goods and bads.

As a sidenote important to test the capability of a system on modern R'n'B and electronic. Very demanding from 15-20 000 Hz. Kills Harbeht's :-)
A Great topic,
Among others, iI use Herbie Hancock, River The Joni letters track two Edith and the Kingpin, featuring  Tina Turner, Wayne Shorter etc, beautifully recorded with many complex layers , subtle bass it really sorts out how well my speakers are placed and how well a streamer can recreate the various instruments timbre and placement and clarity. Infact the whole album is good for this but track 2 is my favourite I guess thats why the albumn won the top Grammy award in 2007