First cd purchase

I was just wondering what our fellow audiogoners first cd purchase was and when. I believe mine was sometime in the late 80s and it was an opera RCA box set of Otello with Vickers,Rysanek,and Gobbi. And now its your time to tell us, what was your first cd purchase.
I purchased a Sony 5 disc changer and Bob James' "Obsession". He was in his electronic phase and it still kicks today.
When I purchased my first player I also purchased 5 cd's:
pink floyd-dark side of the moon
mile davis-kind of blue
donald fagan-the nightfly
holst-the planets

the last one was either alan parsons-i robot or dave brubeck-take five (i do not recall.
RUSH - Chronicles, in Dec. 1990, after wearing out my Rush LP's! It sounded really good, even then!
Easy: Sade, Promise.1985. Played on my new $500 Sony CD Player that I purchased on my first line of credit - a Macy's Credit Card. I will never forget listen to to that disc at night with the lights was amazing! (at the time).
Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday. I got a rack system (shudder!) with CD player. Of course, I needed a CD to feed the new beast, and for some reason I opted for Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite and Swan Lake Ballet excerpts CD. At first, it was amusing, but then I quickly grew tired of the sound. It was horribly bright, as I recall--the only way of making it listenable was by using the equalizer (a standard part of rack systems) to cut the treble frequenciesAh, I remember it like it was yesterday. I got a rack system (shudder!) with CD player. Of course, I needed a CD to feed the new beast, and for some reason I opted for excerpts from Nutcracker Suite and Swan Lake Ballet. At first, it was amusing, but then I quickly grew tired of the sound. It was horribly bright, as I recall--the only way of making it listenable was by using the equalizer (a standard part of rack systems) to cut the treble frequencies down, and raise the bass frequencies. I noticed that this wasn't necessary for the turntable or the tape deck or the tuner. So, I just stopped using the CD player. Leaving a big mystery that today I'd try to solve--was the problem the one CD I had? Or the player? In any case, that system went bye-bye not too long after, when I discovered "real" audio equipment. And, at that time, I dumped CD (and cassette and radio) completely for many years. down, and raise the bass frequencies. I noticed that this wasn't necessary for the turntable or the tape deck or the tuner. So, I just stopped using the CD player. Leaving a big mystery that today I'd try to solve--was the problem the one CD I had? Or the player? In any case, that system went bye-bye not too long after, when I discovered "real" audio equipment.
My first cd player I believe was a Conrad johnson player, I don't remember the model number but I am sure it was a marantz base player with Johnson mods. I purchased the player way before the pc a was household item from an Audiogon type listing I used to receive by mail.
I bought two that I was very familiar with on pre-recorded on tape. This was so I could audition and compare the Rotel rcd965le and the sony 601 5 disc player. One was Matthew Ward's (Second Chapter of Acts) greatest hits and the other was a praise and worship cd. The Rotel won out easily in spite of the players being the same price. The Sony gave me a headache.

My first CD purchased was Michael Jackson Thriller


My first CD player was the WDR-50 (Walkman CD player) - all bought the same year it came out (1985). I still have both and both still work and I feel both live up to the promise of digital. Not perfect but compelling enough for me ('ol tin ears} compared to previous generation technology.

I guess I was an early adopter. CD has been good enough so far and I have not felt compelled to go to DVD-A or SACD (yet)...although I find DVD 5.1 just as compelling as CD's were (DVD previous generation technology was VHS).
I bought Kenny Loggins's "Celebrate Me Home" CD. It was and remains the single most dreadful recording I have ever played. The things is so bright and thin that it makes the fillings in my teeth hurt.
Bach Concertos for Violin by Trevor Pinnock and the English Concert after hearing the double concerto scored in the movie "Children of a Lesser God". This was my entry into the classical genre just about 20 years ago. I played it on my new Meridian MCD.
Brothers in Arms came out in '87, no, ? Or is my memory that bad?? (I bought the vinyl.) My first cd purchase; Joanie Mitchell,Blue
sorry to change the subject, but how many 'goners got "the" sony- you know, the little one with the pop-up lid and the wall-wart, with the crystal-LED display, which was to my knowledge, the 1st unit available? i felt a little light-headed as i set mine up, wondering just how much more detail i was going to hear without all of the background noise from vinyl records. and i had to admit it sounded okay most of the time; but THEN unit started skipping here and there- more than i thought was acceptable, too. so making tapes for the car started to get to be a real pain. and my friend's yamaha wouldn't read the cd for the 1st 4 or 5 tries. CRAP!! we all yelled with glee... ha ha ha!!...
now of course i have a transport that costs $6000, and it sounds great (when it doesn't skip)...
Dark Side of the Moon - still frequently being listened to some twenty years later!
AC/CD - Back in Black, Stone Temple Pilots - Core

I think it was around 94. I had mostly recored songs off the radio onto a cheap tape deck before those discs.
Funny many of my old cds sound much better than the day I bought them. I aslo remmember the dire predections that years after the cd would discolor and its bits of info would somehow disentergrate. I guess the proff is in the pudding predections like most never happen.
1983 - A Japanese CD (Denon) called "The Four Seasons in Resonance", with Japanese liner notes. It contained 12 short pieces, one for each month, realized by a Japanese percussion ensemble. It's one of the few CDs in my collection recorded with pre-emphasis and indexing. It had four tracks, one for each season. The months were indexed.

It still plays fine 24 years later and actually sounds pretty good on modern gear.
It was 1985 and I brought home "Brothers In Arms" - Dire Straits. I remember my jaw hitting the floor as it spun in my new Technics CDP.
I bought Steely Dans Decade (greatest hits) and a Bryan Adams cd with a Yamaha CDP at Gems Sound in NYC. Brought it home and it sounded awful. I ended up returning it and trading it for a Thorens turntable with a dynavector MC cartridge. A few weeks later I was at sam goodys and they had a philips made in holland cd player that sounded decent playing in the store. I bought that one for around $99 if I remember correctly to play the 10 cd's I bought in the 2 weeks I had the yamaha.
I bought Neil Young "Harvest" I figured CD had finally come of age all I had to do then was buy a CD player to play it on. Must have been around 1986 or 87.
It was back in late 1986/ early 1987 and I purchased two titles ... Turtles Greatest Hits (Rhino Records) and Placido Domingo Recital with Carlo Mario Giulini (DG Records). I used a SONY portable CD player hooked up to my stereo at first and then later that year purchased a TEAC AD500 CD/Cassette Combo Player.

Regards, Rich
Roxy Music's, Avalon. Circa 1991? I don't think I've bought anything that's been as beneficial to my groove since.
Big Audio Dynamite -- This Is Big Audio Dynamite (1985) -- but my memory of that period is somewhat "veiled."
Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. It is still in the collection, but has been replaced by a digital remaster of the same, and recently by the 5.1 DVD-A (which is spectacular)
My first cd purchase was in 1996. I purchased Republicas' self titled album. This band is euro-style dance-techno and their "hit single" was "Ready to go". Needless to say my musical tastes have grown since then but its still fun to play now and then. It actually sounds decent on my hif rig which was surprising when i listened to it again after a few year hiatus. I originally had a discman to play it on.
I sold my 1200 LPs in 1988 and immediately went out and bought a Sony CD player and about 30 CDs, mostly ECM recordings.
RUSH-Exit...Stage Left!
That was my FIRST CD purchase in
summer of 1987. The Rush CD`S were all released
in the Spring of 1987.
After that was the usual,
Moving Pictures, Signals, etc.
I got the first cd 2 days after I got my FIRST
Kenwood stereo rack with a seperate
power amp, pre-amp, tuner, cassette, turntable,
cd player, all for $999.99
I think I bought like 6 disc's in 1987 when I got a Sony Walkman, somewhere around that time.
I know I bought Metalica "Ride the Lightening" but cant remember the others.
I known mine. I was in college and hardly any cds were available so i bought Jailhouse Rock (Elvis) and Madonna's self titled cd. All the selections were on a little rack like the SACDs started out. although i still have madonna's i dont think i've listened to it since